Solar System
The five billion year history of the solar system involves the formation and evolution of the Sun, planets, moons, planetesimals, asteroids, comets, and interplanetary gas and dust. Transformations of energy and matter in the interior of the Sun and planets involve gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces. Heat transport may involve thermal conduction, convection, and radiation. A logarithmic timeline best depicts this domain. NASA image published by
The Sun submenu is a work in progress that will eventually contain slides from ASTR 301 lectures and/or one chapter of an unpublished reference book. |
Watch all of these animated gifs from beginning to end |
The Jupiter subdirectory contains the slides from an ASTR 301 guest lecture including lecture notes. As a preview, the subdirectory also displays an animated low color resolution gif that runs about four minutes - five seconds for each of the 48 slides. | |
Venus is often called Earth's twin. Venus has many similarities to Earth, but also many differences. The following animated gif can be downloaded for slower playback. It highlights some of the mysteries hidden below the clouds of Venus. | |
Earth image from solar system Wikipedia - must add attribution |
Ice Giants image from solar system Wikipedia - must add attribution |
Trans-Neptunian Objects image from solar system Wikipedia - must add attribution |
Asteroid Belt image from solar system Wikipedia - must add attribution |
Moons and Rings image from solar system Wikipedia - must add attribution The Earth's Moon has its own webpage HERE. |
The webpage for the October 10, 2018 Spanos Theatre talk by Amherst College Prof. Kate Follette on her search for exoplanets is at exoplanets.
Accurate Solar System Model made to accurate orbital rotation.
Made with Adobe After Affects and iMovie. Song-
Information on speed of planets comes from Wikipedia Published on Mar 15, 2015 by Jacob Medler
The following pages are excerpts from chapter 2 of my unpublished work-in-progress reference book: - click to expand or collapse
solar and global evolution: