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The evolutionary history of our planet is recorded in four great eons
Hadean Eon volcanic outflows and alien collisions saw hellish conditions from 4.6 – 4 BYA
9.2 BYs of cosmic, galactic, stellar, and global evolution preceded the Hadean Eon
the sands of time recorded the 4 BY evolutionary history of life on Earth
Earth’s geospheres evolved through prebiotic geochemical processes
the late heavy bombardment may have extinguished any early life forms
Archean Eon saw surface rocks form, plates move, and microbes evolve 4 – 2.5 BYA
the first cells evolved in the Hadean or Archean
microbes evolved and adapted to every ecological niche
anoxygenic photosynthesis first evolved
first continents formed in the Hadean or Archean
Proterozoic Eon saw the endosymbiosis of five kingdoms of eukaryotes 2.5 – 0.541 BYA
oxygenic photosynthesis transformed the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and land
endosymbiosis formed the complex Eukaryote cells
multicellular organisms evolved independently in multiple kingdoms
the 20 MY Cambrian explosion ended the Proterozoic eon
Phanerozoic Eon began with the Cambrian explosion of animals 541 MYA - now
Paleozoic era plants and insects radiated onto land
Mesozoic era reptiles and dinosaurs ruled the supercontinent Pangaea
Cenozoic era flowering plants filled many vacated ecological niches
Cenozoic era mammals and birds filled many vacated ecological niches
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